Artists and Artisans
of the Brazoria County, TX, Area

Who are the Featured Artists and Artisans?

There are dozens of talented artisans and artists in the local area of Brazoria County, TX. Some are hobbyists; some are pros. Many display their works at local markets and festivals. A few sell their works in local shops.

This website features many of these individuals, a few images of their works, a bit about each, and their contact information.

Most featured artisans and artists are members of a private Facebook group where we can share creative ideas, moments and encouragement among ourselves. We also make plans to meet up at local activities and markets.

Get to know us--perhaps you would like to join us. Qualified members of the group get their own webpage in this website. Others could qualify for a mention with a contact link. Feel free to ask me how you can become a part of this virtual gallery.

This website is provided by Coskrey Biz because I, Valerie, have always wanted an art gallery but never had one. So I created this virtual gallery to exhibit the works of my friends and associates.